Picture Pet Peeves (yay, alliteration)
Checklist for an tolerable photo/video:
- Is it vertical video? If so, delete.
- Is it a Vine? If so, delete.
- Is it supposed to be making people tilt their heads or turn off auto-rotate? If so, delete or rotate to normal.
- Is it a selfie? If so.. is it stupid? If so, delete.
- Is it pretentious? If so, post it to Imgur. Because who gives a shit about Facebook, or Twitter or Instagram. (Shh...)
- If it does not meet those requirements, read the above again.
- Is it a Vine? If so, delete.
- Is it supposed to be making people tilt their heads or turn off auto-rotate? If so, delete or rotate to normal.
- Is it a selfie? If so.. is it stupid? If so, delete.
- Is it pretentious? If so, post it to Imgur. Because who gives a shit about Facebook, or Twitter or Instagram. (Shh...)
- If it does not meet those requirements, read the above again.
P.S. I originally said this was weekly. Ha. I'm so funny.